2024/3/21 The Dean’s Award of the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology is annually awarded to Heecheol Kim.
Kohei Nakajima received 45th JSAP Outstanding Paper Award: Award for Best Review Paper
Kohei Nakajima’s paper has been published in Device (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266699862400543X).
Paper: Nakajima, K., et al. (2024). “Real-time personal healthcare data analysis using edge computing for multimodal wearable sensors.” Device, Volume(Issue), Page Numbers (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S266699862400543X).
In addition, this result was jointly press-released with Hokkaido University, The University of Tokyo, Juntendo University, Osaka Public University, and Osaka Public University College of Technology.
Press release: “First Successful Development of Edge AI Sensor Patch – Hopes for Contribution to Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring for Early Detection of Unknown Diseases” (https://www.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/news/press/2024/202410312482.shtml).
Heecheol Kim awarded Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship.
Heecheol Kim was awarded Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship, a global program that identifies and empowers the next generation of exceptional computing research talent.
Sound Symposium (音学シンポジウム) Student Excellence Presentation Award
Presentation by Ryo Terajima and Yoshia Abe, “コード進行を考慮して多様なメロディを生成するTransformerとVAEの複合モデル” received the Sound Symposium (音学シンポジウム) Student Excellence Presentation Award at the MUS2022.
Paper by Ryo Terajima et al. selected as the Best Paper Award at RoboSoft 2022
“Behavioral Diversity Generated from Body-Environment Interactions in a Simulated Tensegrity Robot” by Ryo Terajima, Katsuma Inoue, Shogo Yonekura, Kohei Nakajima, and Yasuo Kuniyoshi was selected as the Best Paper of the conference track during the 5th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft 2022) at Edinburgh, UK, April 4-8, 2022.
Paper by Takumi Takada et al. awarded the Best Paper Award at IEEE ICDL 2021
2021/08/26 “Unsupervised Learning of Shape-Invariant Lie Group Transformer by Embedding Ordinary Differential Equation” by Takumi Takada, Yoshiyuki Ohmura, Yasuo Kuniyoshi was selected as Best Paper of the conference track
during the 2021 IEEE Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL 2021) at Peking University,
Beijing China, August 23-26, 2021.
Japan Joint Chapter Young Award
Heecheol Kim was awarded 2021 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Award for his paper published in the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
<Published Paper>
Heecheol Kim, Ohmura Yoshiyuki, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, “Gaze-Based Dual Resolution Deep Imitation Learning for High-Precision Dexterous Robot Manipulation,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol.6, pp. 1630-1637, 2021.
Moreover, we uploaded the video on YouTube. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytpChcFqD5g)
Dean’s prize for outstanding thesis
2020/03/19 Dean’s prize for outstanding thesis was awarded to Heecheol Kim.